Control your nerves when presentingDownload a PDF of this Top Presentation TipDownload a PDF of this Top Presentation Tip
Nerves are Important..they can get the adrenaline going
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Fear is a normal experience. If you have it, you are like most other presenters.

The tension you feel at the beginning of your presentation is helpful and the adrenaline can help sharpen your delivery.

Don’t drink too much coffee or reach for an alcoholic drink to control your nerves – even biscuits are to be avoided because they can make you cough!

Take action

Prepare your notes, slides and handouts meticulously – 90% preparation results in just 10% perspiration.

Look great: good grooming sends out messages about how you value yourself and works wonders on your confidence levels.

Warm up the body and the voice (see our last set of Tips).

Rehearse thoroughly and make sure you read your speech out loud. Visualise yourself doing a great job.

Perfect your opening line. Get this right and everything else should flow for you.

Concentrate on the audience rather than on yourself. Present initially to those with smiley faces and who seem engaged in your presentation.

Use positive language, be enthusiastic and be friendly – it will rub off on the audience. Even consider a smile!
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