Support your presentation with visualsDownload a PDF of this Top Presentation TipDownload a PDF of this Top Presentation Tip
Great visuals make a presentation much more memorable
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Avoid putting your script onto your slides: if you do, the audience will try to read and will not be listening to you.

Use strong, simple visualisation of your key points. This will be a prompt for you and help to keep your audience’s attention.

The average person recalls information in the following way: Use headings on your slides that help to move the story along.

Think about using other support material like photographs, illustrations, cartoons, graphics, animations or even real props. A colourful image or one that’s humorous gets the audience to renew its attention.

Think about how short videos can help endorse your messages and bring another voice to the presentation. Video can easily set up a problem, illustrate insights, animate a reveal moment or summarise the presentation. Video is great for delivering, clarity, consistency and a WOW factor.

Have you thought about building audience interaction into the presentation? Getting the audience to participate is a powerful way to get them to discover and take ownership of your message for themselves.

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